Wednesday, September 1, 2010

One Malaysia??

I read a NOTE posted by Lau Chee Kin on Facebook.
He and his one of his friend had beaten up by a group of Malays.

Could you imagine during the Merdeka Eve,
you were beaten by a group of Malays,
and they WALKED off instead of running after beating up you.
They even mentioned, "Balik ke negara asal lah u!"
You went to make a police report,
and the policemen push all their responsible away.
How do you feel if you face this kind of situation??
This is what happened to Lau Chee Kin!

You called that ONE Malaysia?
I don't care what religion you are,
ONE Malaysia?? Ask YOURSELF!

I'm not showing how politic I am.
But this kind of issue, cant be tolerate.
Because I'd experience such case before.

2 years ago,
I got robbed by 5 Malays,
I managed to catch one of them.
I called the police, and brought to the police station.
I made a report regarding to this problem.
Guess what?
After I finish doing the report,
they just let go the Malay boy.
Try to think if the robber was not a Malay,
how will the policemen treat them?

IS this One Malaysia???
Earning the country respect with this concept??
Where are the values of One Malaysia concept??

One Malaysia,
"People First, Performance Now"
Good slogan instead, but POOR implementation.

1 comment:

KahWeng said...

By chasing him n slamming him down using my body.